Monday, February 9, 2009


Our committee has been working diligently to create an outline for our resource manual - I have pasted our most recent copy below. Please feel free to comment on any of it if you see things that should be added. Thank you!

1. Acknowledgments
2. Introduction
2.1. Statement of Philosophy /Purpose
2.2. Music and Cognitive Development [advocacy statement/research]
2.3. What is Musical Giftedness?
2.4. NAGC Standards for Identification
2.5. Wisconsin Administrative Rule on Gifted and Talented Education
3. Framework for a District-Wide Identification Plan
3.1. Overview
3.2. Identification Process
3.3. Rating Scales/Assessment Forms
4. Musical Talent Identification Criteria and Tools
4.1. Overview
4.2. Cultural Awareness
4.3. Musical Talent Identification Criteria and Procedures
4.3.1. Musical Awareness and Discrimination
4.3.2. Creative Interpretation
4.3.3. Musical Behavior and Performance
4.3.4. Intensity
5. Parent, Peer, and Self-Nomination
5.1. Overview
5.2. Cultural Awareness and Community Involvement
5.3. Letters and Nomination/Referral Forms
6. Appendices
6.1. Examples of District Plans and Forms
6.1.1. Framework/District Plan Examples
6.1.2. Musical Talent Assessment Examples
6.1.3. Letter and Nomination/Referral Samples
6.2. Research…